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Epic Mickey Wiki

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Welcome to the Museum! I'm Laralee, the curator of this place.

–Laralee, Epic Mickey

Laralee is a Goat who works in the Mean Street Museum as its curator. She claims that Wasteland itself is actually a big museum with all the old forgotten Disney creations, minimizing the need for a regular museum.

In Epic Mickey[]

Before the Thinner Disaster, Laralee offered Ortensia 250 E-Tickets in exchange for her locket so she could put it on display. However, Ortensia refused, since her true love, Oswald, gave it to her as a gift.

After the Disaster and the Projector Screen machine broke, Laralee found a Power Spark and put it up for display. When Mickey asks for it, she's hesitant to part with it but offers to trade it for something else. After talking to the Usher and getting Hook's Cutlass from him, Laralee happily makes the trade.

Later, she finds a second Power Spark and also puts it up for display. If Gremlin Prescott disassembled Telephone and left the Gear behind, Mickey can trade that for the second Power Spark.

Later still, if Mickey finds Ortensia's locket, he can trade it to Laralee for 250 E-Tickets, though doing this will cause him to miss out on a permanent health upgrade from Oswald. Strangely, if Mickey does this, the locket never actually gets put on display.

In Epic Mickey 2: The Power of Two[]

Laralee returns in Epic Mickey 2: The Power of Two, where she gives Mickey a quest to bring her some items to show in the Museum.
