Missable content refers to items, equipment or other details that can be obtained or experienced at one point in the game, but can be missed permanently if the player does not do so before reaching a certain point in the game, or before its location cannot be revisited.
Only Epic Mickey 2 is listed on this page. In Epic Mickey, story progression for a file is reset after the final boss, allowing the player to replay the game and experience any missed content; As such, content cannot truly be permanently missed.
The player only has one chance to collect all the E-Tickets from Yen Sid's Lab, as this area becomes inaccessible after leaving it.
The player only has one attempt to get the When You Wish Upon a Star challenge, since leaving the area where the challenge is obtained will not be possible to return.
Episode 1: A Family Reunion[]
The player only has one chance to collect all the E-Tickets, Pins and Treasure Chests from Dark Beauty Castle, as this area cannot be revisited. Also Oswald's New Groove challenge cannot be completed.
The player only has one chance to collect the pin within cell 2 in the City Hall of the South Mean Street, since from the epilogue, cell 2 cannot be re-entered and the pin will not be there, since Big Bad Pete is not there to get Mickey out.
The player only gets one chance to pick up the Watch Sketch at the Emporium, as The Wasteland Limited quest cannot be discovered in the epilogue if the player does not discover it.
The player can lose the attempt to buy the Melting Ice Cream from the Ice Cream Parlor if they repair the air conditioner.
Episode 2: A Small Mystery[]
If the player completes Goofy's Fountain Mishap quest by modifying the Ostown statue, they will not be able to build the Mickey and Oswald statue together and the Heroes of Wasteland challenge will be incomplete.
It is possible to lose a hidden Mickey silhouette in Bog Easy if the abandoned building is built.
Concept Arts 15, 16, and 17 cannot be obtained if the player finishes Donald's Date quest by giving the real gear to Sparks.
If the player gives the deed to Bertrand, they will have no way to get the concept art 19. Also the Picture Perfect challenge will be impossible to complete if the player does this.
The Blot Alley Superstar challenge is left incomplete if a Blotworx in Club 13 of the Blot Alley is destroyed.
The pin in the Train Tunnels will be unobtainable for the player if they chooses the Thinner Path.
The player may lose the chance to get the film reel, all the E-Tickets and the pin of The Band Concert V2, as this area cannot be visited if they opens the entrance to the Old Mill V3. Also doing this leaves the Film Buff challenge incomplete.
The chest containing the pin that is in the secret area inside the Mech can be lost if the player defeats the turret before picking it up or enters the Old Mill V3.
Episode 3: Into the Depths[]
All Blotlings costumes can be permanently lost if the player angers Ian in Fort Wasteland.
The player may miss out on being able to buy everything in Tiki Hut if they decides to steal The Giant Pearl, since doing this Tiki Sam will close his store for Mickey. This includes concept arts 21-28 (except for concept art 26), pins and Hero Maps sold in that shop, the violin, the two Health Upgrades, and Anvil Sketch and its upgrade. In addition to doing this the Master Pin Collector challenge will be incomplete for the player.
If the player heeds Daisy and Smee's suggestions, the Make Your Own Way challenge cannot be completed.
The player only has one attempt to get the gold pin in Autotopia, as going the Thinner Path will not be possible.
If the player sends Jamface flying, the Who Left These Lying Around? challenge will be impossible to overcome.
If the player fixes a train station, the Off Track challenge will be unwinnable.
If the player fails a quest, the Perfectionist challenge will not be possible to win.