Epic Mickey Wiki

All over the Jungle there are hidden gems. To obtain Animatronic Daisy's next part(without buying it)find them and place them in the statues over where the Basher is and fill them in. Once you find them and fit them into the tiki heads(two gems go into the heads on the sides and three go into the central two), you'll see that Gus points out that the well is now open above. There is a wooden platform sticking out of one of the central tiki heads. Jump up onto it and you now can get to the well above. Inside you'll find that the tiki heads are now facing you as well as a blue chest containing Animatronic Daisy's next part. The parts can be found in the following places:

  • One is found directly above the entry projector that can be accessed by thinning out a wall to the right of the entrance.
  • To find another one, climb up on the ledges on top of where the thinnable brown door is(near the 2 hoppers) and jump across the palm trees to find it in plain view.
  • Beyond the 2 hoppers near the entrance you'll find a Thinner river. There is a boat to the right of the paintable bridge on the river holding another gem.
  • One gem can be found by going near Hangman's Tree; it's in plain view.
  • When facing to the left of where the thinnable wall was to access the first gem is another thinnable wall that hides another gem.