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Quests are objectives that Mickey Mouse is given to complete in the Epic Mickey series. There are plenty of optional Quests as well as mandatory ones in Epic Mickey. However, this has been discontinued in Epic Mickey 2. Here are all the lists of Quests from the different areas in the game.
Epic Mickey[]
In Epic Mickey, some quests are designed to be incompatible with each other, requiring multiple playthroughs to get a 100% completion.
Dark Beauty Castle[]
Gremlin Village[]
- Patch Steam Pipes
- Ticket Booth
- Find Small Pete's Ship Log
- Navigate the Asian Boat Ride
- Raise the Fire Bridge
- Save Gus' House
- Open the Gate
- Reach the Clock Tower
- The Leaning Tower
- Get Inside the Colosseum
- Defeat the Clock Tower
Mean Street[]
- OsTown Projector Screen
- Collect Film Reels
- Recover Horace's Book
- Gilda's Lost Axe
- Find Casey's Key
- Museum Power Spark
- Tomorrow City Projector Screen
- Detective Mickey I
- Find Dog Tags
- Bunny Roundup I
- Confront Petetronic
- Bunny Children & Power Sparks
- Ventureland Projector Screen
- Detective Mickey II
- Find the Missing Pirate
- Bunny Roundup II
- Restore Pete Pan
- Bog Easy Projector Screen
- Detective Mickey III
- Find the Hatchet
- Bunny Roundup III
- History of Colonel Pete
- Oswald Needs Help
- Secret Door
- Detective Mickey IV
- Bunny Roundup IV
- Battle of Mean Street
- Bridge Repair
- Noisy Safe
- Ice Cream Cake
- Find Goofy's Parts
- Thin the Gag Factory
- Paint Moody's House
- Gremlin Prescott's Wrench
- OsTown Phone Network
- Mickeyjunk Mountain Phone Network
- Found: One Gear
- Back to Mean Street
- Deliver the Cake to Horace
- Deliver the Pie to Horace
- Ortensia's Locket
- Gather the Flowers
- Battle of OsTown
Mickeyjunk Mountain[]
Tomorrow City[]
- Raise the Notilus
- Shut Down the Valves
- UFO Challenge
- Talk to Mister Rover
- Defeat the Slobber
- Enter Space Voyage
- Repair the Rocket Ride
- Find the Elevator
- Restore the Pipes
- Collect All Rocket Parts
- Redeem or Defeat Petetronic
- Battle in Tomorrow City
- Battle in Space Voyage
- The Door in Ventureland
- Find Daisy's Parts
- Scurvy Pat's Compass
- Tiki Sam's Masks
- A Pirate's Love
- Return to Mean Street
- Solve Jim's Riddle
- Solve Another Riddle for Jim
- Jim's Third Riddle
- Plant Painting
- Restore Bog Easy Plants
- Damien Salt and Henrietta Move In
- Housewarming
- Bosun Blake Moves In
- Battle in Ventureland
- Find Daisy's Album
- Ice Cream for Henrietta
Pirates of the Wasteland[]
- Billy's Lost Bag
- Billy's Lost Belongings
- Into the Well
- Paint the Lanterns
- Find Hook
- Find Starkey
- Mysterious Mystery Gems
- Jungle Lanterns
- Find the Jungle Symbols
- Hostiles in the Jungle
- Open the Skull Gate
- Fix the Pumps
- Smee's Boat
- Hook's Machine
- Save the Sprite
Bog Easy[]
- Help Gilbert Scare Someone
- Lonesome Manor Gate
- Recover the Runaway Book
- Recover Louis's Courage
- Light the Lamps
- Find Donald's Parts
- Pipe Organ Madness
- Go Back to Mean Street
- Investigate Donald's Pains
- A Keeper for Donald's Doll
- Fix Donald's Boat
- Fix the Bridges
- Help Bertrand Open His Store
- Restore the Bell
- Gilbert Wants to Fish
- Free the Trapped Ghosts
- Battle in Bog Easy
Lonesome Manor[]
- Enter Lonesome Manor
- Help the Ghost in the Foyer
- Settle the Library Bookcases
- Catch the Flying Books
- Restore Leona's Paintings
- Return to Ian in Bog Easy
- Play the Pipe Organ
- Battle the Beetleworx
Epic Mickey 2: The Power of Two[]
In Epic Mickey 2, the quest system has been changed. All quests are side quests. Therefore, they are optional and aren't required for the completion of the storyline.
Although some quests are designed to be incompatible with each other (e.g. Watch the Skies and One Toon's Trash), the game allows for some workarounds (e.g. selling the mission objects to the museum to complete One Toon's Trash, then buying them back and giving them to Gremlin Copernicus to complete both quests) that allow for 100% completion in just one playthrough.
Episode 1: A Family Reunion[]
Mean Street South[]
- The Wasteland Limited
- Watch the Skies
- One Toon's Trash
- Finding the Hidden Heroes
- The Spirit of Wasteland (through the Mean Street Museum)
The Underground[]
Mean Street North[]
- The Encyclopedia Wastelandica
- Creative Threedom
- The Spirit of Wasteland (through the Walt Statue)
Episode 2: A Small Mystery[]
Mean Street South[]
Mean Street North[]
- The Other Side of the Screen
- The Bunny Wranglers (Paulie's path)
- Goofy's Fountain Mishap
- The Bunny Wranglers (Ortensia's path)
Bog Easy[]
Episode 3: Into the Depths[]
OsTown/Blot Alley[]
Episode 4: Epilogue[]
Epic Mickey[]
- The NPC who gives the most quests is Gremlin Gus, although Horace has the second most with 8.
Epic Mickey 2: The Power of Two[]
- To complete the Perfectionist challenge on Epic Mickey 2, the player must take the paint path on almost all quests.
- Some quests can be easily locked up, making it impossible to complete the Perfectionist challenge.
- The challenge Off Track simply requires Mickey and Oswald to ignore the broken train stations, failing the side quest, The Wasteland Limited.