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Epic Mickey Wiki
Epic Mickey Wiki

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Raise the Fire Bridge is a Quest given by Gremlin Braun in the Asian Boat Ride.

After Mickey frees Gremlin Herman, behind his cage is a platform with a switch on the wall, with gears surrounding it. Mickey must use the gears by painting them in to scale the wall and reach the switch. When he steps on the switch, it will fall to the ground, and the Fire Bridge (which is actually a large Dragon float) will rise, leading the way to the Asian Boat Ride exit.

The Fire Bridge is one of two ways Mickey can reach the exit to the Asian Boat Ride. The other option is to free Gremlin Sam, who will activate Magic Carpets leading to the exit.


  • You can raise the fire bridge before Gremlin Braun gives you the task to raise it. This causes the gremlin to give you the mission, but you've already done it and that makes you locked out of completing the mission.

