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Restore Bog Easy Plants is a sidequest given to Mickey Mouse in Epic Mickey. It is given by Botanist Darvin after completing the Plant Painting quest. When talking to him again after completing the first quest, Botanist Darvin will ask Mickey to also paint in the plants located in Bog Easy. Plant Painting must be finished first before starting this quest.

In order to complete this quest, Mickey must go to Bog Easy and search for thinned out plants. The thinned plants must then be painted, until the count is reduced to zero. There is a total of 20 plants found in Bog Easy. The player can then return to Ventureland and talk to Botanist Darvin again to receive their reward.

Botanist Darvin will thank Mickey and say he is making a considerable difference in Wasteland. He will then handsomely reward Mickey with one of the Power Sparks needed to power the Projector Screens in Mean Street. He will also reward Mickey with 150 E-Tickets.
