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Epic Mickey Wiki

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Restore the Bell is a Bog Easy Quest given to Mickey by Louis after returning from Lonesome Manor. Mickey must find the pieces of Bog Easy's bell, which the ghosts have scattered to the other hub areas.

Louis will only give Mickey this quest if he restored the Pipe Organ in the Ballroom of Lonesome Manor. There are two pieces of the bell; one for sale at the Tiki Hut in Ventureland and another at the Emporium in Mean Street. Both only appear once you talk to Louis and start the quest, and both cost 300 E-tickets, making Restore the Bell one of Wasteland's most expensive quests.

The "Infamous" Softlock Glitch (A.k.a. Shadow Blot Skip)[]

On most releases of Epic Mickey, there is a game-breaking glitch involving this quest. If Mickey failed to fix Hook's Machine on Skull Island by either thinning all the generators, or ignoring them, then upon buying the bell piece in the Tiki Hut, the game will erroneously set the story progress to the Blot's Invasion. Dying in this state causes the game to crash on reloading, although it is unlikely that that would happen by accident. Mickey will no longer be able to collect E-tickets from props, and the Battle of Mean Street will begin once he inevitably return there, thus not only skipping the Shadow Blot fight, it will also skip the Battle of OsTown entirely. The bell quest will also immediately expire.

Once you return back in Mean Street, you are still able to progress through the endgame normally. However, if at any point you go to OsTown, the game will immediately softlock once you get there, as it expects you to enter the Battle of Ostown from Mickeyjunk Mountain. Consequently, because the game also autosaves at the beginning of Thru the Mirror, Mickey is indefinitely stuck in the projector screen. Affected save files can be fixed[1], but the process requires save modification tools, so its not recommended to do this glitch unless you know what you are doing.

As a result of this glitch being completely game breaking, this glitch is fortunately not present/fixed in Epic Mickey: Rebrushed.



  • In Epic Mickey: Rebrushed, if Mickey restores the bell before going to fight the Shadow Blot, he can ring the bell during the Battle in Bog Easy which will destroy the nearby Spinner and Bloticle.
  • One comment from this video[2] about the Shadow Blot Skip claims that this glitch is patched in the Japanese version of the original Epic Mickey.

Resources used:[]

[1] - Used for the "Infamous Softlock Glitch" section.

[2] - The video about the Shadow Blot Skip. (The timeskip section where he talks about the softlock is: 4:25)
