Epic Mickey Wiki
Epic Mickey Wiki
Epic Mickey Wiki

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Scallywag Gabe is a Pirate who is incarcerated in the Tortooga Jail in Pirates of the Wasteland. He uses the same character model as Damien Salt and Helmsman Antonio.


In order to free him, along with the other imprisoned pirates, Mickey must find a jail cell key.

There are three locations to find them in:

  • A platform underneath a thinnable ramp that leads up to the second floor of the main section of Tortooga contains a key. After getting the key you can paint in a portion of the waterwheel to head back up. 
  • The chimney directly above the jail is thinnable and contains a key. 
  • The very top of the tallest building in Tortooga is thinnable and contains a key. 

Upon being freed, he tells you to find several lampposts scattered through the area to raise the supposed remnants of an old ride in the harbor area of Tortooga and thus assigns Mickey the optional Paint the Lanterns quest. After painting in all 3 lanterns, several platforms will erect with a Treasure Chests on one of them, containing a pin.


  • Alongside Cutpurse Tycho, they are named after two characters from the popular gaming-themed webcomic Penny Arcade.