Epic Mickey Wiki
Epic Mickey Wiki
Epic Mickey Wiki

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Solve Jim's Riddle is a quest given to Mickey in Ventureland by Jim the Puzzled.

After the Pirates leave Ventureland and head to Tortooga, new toons will appear in Ventureland, one of which is Jim the Puzzled. Upon greeting Mickey, Jim will state that he found an odd paper that the Pirates left behind, detailing a riddle. The riddle reads:

"I smile upon Ventureland, frozen in time. To seek your help, I ask this rhyme. Hunger is my only complaint. To sate my desire, please feed me some Paint."

To solve the riddle, Mickey must feed paint into the Tiki Mask's mouth on top of the Tiki Hut. This will cause a TV Sketch to fall from its mouth. Returning and talking to Jim will complete the quest, and Mickey will be rewarded with 50 E-Tickets.
