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This article is about the Thinner Path and bad choices made by Mickey. For the bad ending of the games, see Bad Ending

The Thinner Path (or Thinner Path or Scrapper Path) is a path in Epic Mickey and Epic Mickey 2: The Power of Two in which the player(s) makes all the morally bad decisions. If Mickey chooses this path, the Bad Ending will play in the final cutscene.

List of Bad Paths in Epic Mickey[]

Dark Beauty Castle[]

  • If Mickey disturbs the catapult by hitting the chest on the pressure plate, it will launch Gremlin Calvin and Gremlin Gus will get mad why Mickey launched him. As a toon, he should most likely survive the impact.
  • If Mickey breaks the chains suspending the chandelier in the Throne Room, it will break the throne and the fake wall, and Oswald will withhold the Oswald Pin from his brother.

World of Gremlins[]

  • In Slalom, if Mickey didn't paint all the pipes, the steam will block the path to Gremlin Tim's Park. The Extra Content is only for Good Mice who patched the pipes.
  • In Tim's Park, if Mickey used Thinner on the Paint and Thinner Pump, the Spinning Cup Ride won't work and Gremlin Tim will get very upset and Mickey can reach a Treasure Chest. The pin is only for those who fixed the ride.
  • In the World of Gremlins, if Mickey has Small Pete's Log, if he trades it to Gremlin Shaky, he will give him the Gremlin Pin and will give him the results that he traded his log away.
  • If Mickey is up on the tower and used Thinner on the Pump, the gate will open and close all the time.
  • If Mickey knocks all the pillars in by the Leaning Tower, this will destroy the Tower.
  • If Mickey thins out the Supports on the Eiffel Tower, the tower will fall, but will make a bridge.
  • In the European Boat Ride, if Mickey left his log with the Gremlins in the village or traded it to Gremlin Shaky, Small Pete is furious and makes him battle a quartet of Seers, Spatters and Sweepers and he calls him "one crazy mouse". The pin and extra content are only for those who helped Small Pete.
  • In the Clock Tower, if Mickey thinned the Tower's arms and hands, he will be destroyed and this increases Mickey's Thinner Capacity.

Mean Street[]

  • If Mickey talks to Big Bad Pete without helping Small Pete, he will get mad that he did not help him at all and he gives him nothing.
  • If Mickey defeats the Spatters, Oswald will talk to him three times that he likes Spatters and Thinner. He doesn't get a Power Spark, because he killed the Spatters.
  • In the City Hall, Big Bad Pete will start jumping. If he talks to Pete after destroying Petetronic, he will give him the Defeated Petetronic pin and some E-Tickets, but he will not happy about it.
  • Back in the City Hall, Big Bad Pete will be still more angry if he didn't save Pete Pan's Sprite, he will give him nothing.
  • If Mickey has the Voodoo Doll and gives the doll to Pete, this will abuse Animatronic Donald.


  • If Mickey thins out the wood in the Gag Factory, the safe will fall on Pirate Moody. This still frees Prescott, but incapacitates Moody for the rest of the game.
  • If Mickey asks Prescott to get his Gremlin Wrench from the phone, this will give him the results for dismantling the Telephone. This will leave a gear and can be sold to Laralee, but Telephone will not be able to be interacted with.

Mickeyjunk Mountain[]

  • If Mickey uses Thinner on the Paint and Thinner Pump by the Spladooshes, it will open to see a Beetleworx creator. There will be Spladooshes to redeem or defeat. He can free Gremlin Ronald from the Gremlin Cage and will give him a Gold Pin. This is one of the few times where the use of thinner is actually beneficial for 100%.
  • If Mickey used Thinner on the Shadow Blot, it will die and Mickey will receive the Shadow Boxing Pin.

Tomorrow City[]

  • If Mickey defeats the Slobber with Thinner, this will give him a Gold Pin, but can't get the Goofy animatronic part.
  • If Mickey filled Petetronic with Thinner, he will not turn friendly and shout "Aaargh! Curse you, Mickey!", firing one last disc that destroys him.


  • If Mickey gives Damien Salt Ice Cream, Henrietta will lose interest in Salt. The pirate will become enraged and will only give Mickey the Figurehead for 50 E-Tickets.
  • If Mickey pays Scurvy Pat the E-tickets, then he will mock him for bargaining with him, and he'll be 25 e-tickets poorer.


  • If Mickey just finds the jungle symbols and ignores the Beetleworx and Blotlings, then Tortooga will be overrun by them.

Skull Island[]

  • If Mickey filled the Pumps with Thinner, this destroys the machine but this doesn't turn the pirates back.
  • If Mickey ignored the machine, or filled the pumps differently from each other. Then not only will this not turn pirates back, but those who escaped will be forced to stay in Ventureland.
  • In the Jolly Roger ship, if Mickey bashes Hook into the pillars and walls or fights him in the plank by sending him to Tick Tock, he'll get the Thinner upgrade. But the Sprite can be easily rescued now.

Bog Easy[]

  • In Bog Easy Square after getting Louis' Courage, Ian will talk to him. If he sells it to Ian, he gets some E-Tickets and Louis said that he sold his badge. Gilbert will scare Louis. He will open the Lonesome Manor Gate for you.

Lonesome Manor[]

  • In Lonesome Manor in the Ballroom if he thins out the Pipe Organ's keys, he hates it and will summon two Tankers with the Poisonous Apple and Queen Grimhilde's Hag form.
  • In the Library, if Mickey thins out the books, this will fail Leona's quest.
  • During the battle with the Mad Doctor, if Mickey thins the Beetleworx Replicators with Thinner, this increases his Thinner Capacity.

List of Bad Paths in Epic Mickey 2[]


  • Not painting every star and comet in Yen Sid's Lab leaves the challenge "When You Wish Upon a Star" incomplete.
  • Thinning the door in Mickey's house (after Mickey has the brush) reveals a silver note worth 20 E-Tickets.
  • Thinning every image of the brooms and not thinning the brooms leaves the water level in the room the same. The light in the room changes to green and the player does not get any rewards.
  • Mickey receives 100 E-Tickets if he thins the mirror during the end of the prologue.

Episode 1: A Family Reunion[]

Dark Beauty Castle[]

  • Mickey can overload the broken down machine in the observatory by thinning the wires' support.
  • Thinning the two Spatters will extend the fight for some time.
  • The player can destroy the Blotworx Blocker.

Mean Street South[]

  • Mickey can thin various painted toon objects. This will turn the guardian pool into a thinner state from Episode 2 and later.
  • Mickey can ignore the Train Station here, which will eventually break down.
  • If Mickey thin out the structure holding the AC the Haberdasher will charge you double for everything in his store.

Mean Street North[]

  • Mickey can thin out the wall by the Pin Trading Company to access the D.E.C. he needs to get to OsTown. However, this will topple the Oswald water tower nearby and block the entrance to the Camera Shop.
  • The Mean Street North Elevator opposite of the Windmill can be blown up using Firworks, when blown up it will leave scrap metal. This will increase the price to repair it.
  • The metal door to the D.E.C entrance can be destroyed using fireworks. However, later Gremlin Jamface will be really angry as it enabled a thief to steal repair supplies and scrap metal, leading to almost quadrupling the cost for repairs.
  • If Mickey takes mostly thinned-out pictures for the quest The Encyclopedia Wastelandica, Adelle will award him with a thinner path pin.


  • Another train station can be ignored in this area.
  • If Mickey takes Prescott's advice and uses the Super Charger, the thinner flowing from the OsTown fountain will get worse and block off the entrances to three houses (Clarabelle's, Ortensia's, and Mickey's) instead of only Mickey's (until the fountain is fixed in Episode 2).
  • If Mickey helps Rigger Greene instead of Moody then Moody will leave and never return. However, Mickey will receive pins of the places Moody visits (the ones Mickey took pictures of for Rigger).
  • Once the thinner leakage has stopped, Mickey and Oswald can move to the first underground room with the DEC entrance to Rainbow Falls. The player can ignore the Green Gremlin. Mickey can also paint gears to open some doors. The Beetleworx hopper can be destroyed instead.

Rainbow Falls[]

  • A Gremlin can be rescued inside a toon rock near the second water falls, leading to the ink well. There is also a gold pin in a chest in the neighboring toon rock.
  • The sweepers on the top of the ledge near the second water fall can be thinned out.

The Projector Substation[]

  • If Mickey repairs the substation using the thinner path, Small Pete makes negative comments about the player and the D.E.C to the devil side of Rainbow Cavers is unlocked and starts working.
    • Mickey will need to first move the large pipe towards the pipe with white fluid. The coupling is instantly connected, destroying the machine. The gears on the opposite plate must be thinned to give space to the pipe.
    • Mickey can block the thinner pipe by thinning the rocks above it.
    • Mickey can use a nearby fireworks machine to destroy the fan blocking the red pipe.

Rainbow Caverns (Devil Side)[]

  • The Blotworx blockers roaming around can be destroyed.
  • A picture of the broken furnaces can be taken here.

Disney Gulch[]

  • Mickey can thin the toon around the place and convert the main guardian pool into thinner. Gus will make an unhappy comment about photographs taken from the picture spots. This will also kill enemies (Dropwings and Spatters) instantly if they enter the pool, except Blockers.
  • If Mickey ignores the Green Gremlin in a small rock, above the large moving rock, the spatter pipes will not be fixed, leaking even more spatters each time they are thinned.
  • Although Gus says the spatter on top is too far for Mickey's brush, Mickey can still jump on to the edge of the lift's top and thin the spatter. The battery sphere will fall and the spatter will also be thinned.
  • The Gulch Salon should be painted to open the door and retrieve the battery sphere for the train, but the player can go back and destroy it for a costume piece.
  • If Mickey retrieves only one of the battery spheres for the train, the Gulch bridge starts working with very minimal functionality and sprays thinner onto the moving parts. This causes inconvenience to the player, as it is nearly impossible for Mickey and Oswald to cross the bridge.

Gulch Bridge[]

  • Mickey can destroy the rocker on the first side and thin the Sweeper and Dropwing near the end of the bridge.

Boss 1: Blotworx Dragon[]

  • Taking the shortcut projector (The Old Mill V2) will be a shortcut to this boss, as the dragon directly breaks the wall with its tail. A different animation will also play. If you took the shortcut projector, Mickey will need to go over the bridge and avoid the dragon on the way. Skip to line 4.
  • If the main projector (The Old Mill V1) is taken, the fight starts with the Blotworx Dragon emerging. Mickey can thin the painted parts, which reveal the first Blotling. The Blotling can also be thinned.
  • Next, the dragon's tail should be thinned. This will push the second Blotling outside. Thinning the second Blotling gives a slightly away and complicated path to Mickey and Oswald to reach the top of the Mad Doctor's Lab. Two platforms arise for Mickey and Oswald to move upwards. A steam pipe will need to be thinned.
  • Thinning the Spatters on the top floor will cause more to appear. This can be a distraction to Mickey, making it hard to concentrate both on the dragon and the falling projectiles.
  • If Mickey thins out the pillars in the second round of the fight the dragon will collapse and will be destroyed in the ending.
  • Alternatively, painting ten of the dragon's parts will reveal the final spatter. Thinning this spatter will also trigger the bad ending for this boss.

Episode 2: A Small Mystery[]

Mean Street South[]

  • If Mickey ignores Horace's quest Horace's Assistant Assistance or chooses to complete the quest with Barnacle Jones as Horace's assistant, Horace will be sad in the ending.
  • Mickey can destroy the Robot Head by thinning out the two pieces of toon on the left and right side of it revealing two reprogramming points, Oswald should then reprogram both of them causing the Robot head to overload and the back will open up with 20 pieces of scrap metal. The Blue Gremlin will yell at Mickey and will double the price to fix the head to 100 pieces of scrap metal.

Mean Street North[]

  • The cinema projector will still not be available for Mickey and Oswald to travel through previously travelled projectors, as the cinema's electricity is not working.
  • Gremlin Jamface will be angry as scrap metal has been stolen due to breaking the metal door to the D.E.C entrance. Five supply containers will be stolen and the cost for repairs will almost be quadrupled. The only solution will be to find the repair supply containers or pay extra scrap metal, slowing down repairs, if any are done.
  • Mickey can destroy the Ice Cream Shop Roof Hut (the Gremlin Hut) by going to the right side of it and filling the funnel with thinner until the tank is full, Oswald should then shock the port in front of the funnel and this will destroy the hut. The right side of the hut will fall off and crack the ground leaving scrap metal and revealing one of the Hidden Mickeys and a breakable tresure chest. This will increase the price of repairing the Gremlin hut.
  • In the construction site (above the D.E.C. entrance) there is the Fishead Hut that can be destroyed by Mickey. To destroy it Mickey has to go to the generator on the right side of the construction site and thin the two metal panels on the front of the machine opposite of the generator. Oswald then has to shock the port attached to the generator which will cause the Fishead Hut to blow up leaving scrap metal and revealing a Treasure Chest with a silver pin inside. This will increase the price of the repairing the Fishead Hut.

Bog Easy[]

  • The Beetleworx replicator can be destroyed by thinning the red fuse when the door opens.
  • Alternatively, Mickey and Oswald can also leave without stopping the Beetleworx, using an entrance to the Shanty Shop on the roof.
  • Gremlin Sparks can be either ignored or released.
  • The Beetleworx hoppers and spinners can also be ignored. The replicator can be alternatively destroyed. Gus doesn't like it if the first approach is taken.
  • The Beetleworx replicator can be destroyed. If so, the broken building will not be repaired. It can be done only by Gremlin Sparks for 120 pieces of scrap metal.

Bog Easy (Second Visit)[]

  • The train station can be ignored in this area.
  • Mickey can choose to damage the Jug Band. This will please Louis, but the ghosts will leave Bog Easy.
  • To temporarily fix Animatronic Donald's boat, Mickey can get a fake gear from Ghost Gilbert. Giving this to Sparks will damage his forge and cause Donald to be on bad terms with Animatronic Daisy in the ending. Mickey can also ignore this quest, giving the same result.
  • After the destroyed house is fixed, giving the house to Bertrand will result in Metairie becoming homeless and leaving the place, like the thinner path in most quests.

Blot Alley[]

  • Screenshot 2024-05-19 12.28

    Ian not being happy at Mickey.

    If Mickey thins out all the Blotlings in the alley, Ghost Ian will be furious and the Spatters will cause trouble in the ending. Ian does not give Mickey the Spatter Whisperer pin. Ian's behavior can only be changed from this point, if the player takes the paint path in the fight in Fort Wasteland. Otherwise, if you make him more mad by thinning out all the Blotlings AND Deloris in Fort Wasteland, he will be enraged at Mickey and will not appear for the rest of the playthrough. (See more in the Fort Wasteland section.)
    • This ending is achieved even if the player simply takes the staircase on the roof of the buildings while reaching Club 13.
  • If Mickey does not react at all and keeps moving, Ian will give some E-Tickets and leave.

Train Tunnels[]

  • Mickey can destroy the first diorama by thinning the support for the Clock Tower's face and also the fuse boxes in the tower's arms. Gus will make an unhappy comment if a photo is taken from the picture spot.
  • If Mickey damages the second diorama, then Abe will release a Shocker to attack Mickey. If Mickey continues to damage the dioramas, Abe will be beyond repair in the end. However, Mickey can receive a costume piece in the Floatyard, as the damage opens a door hiding a chest.
Ian fort wasteland thinner path ending

Ian being furious at Mickey.

Fort Wasteland[]

  • If you already made Ian angry by thinning all spatters in Blot Alley, then you can either cheer him up by befriending all the Spatters AND Deloris, OR, you can make him angry again by thinning all the Spatters AND Deloris in Fort Wasteland. Taking the second option will be irreversible. Not only that, Ian will also make more Spatters spawn, just to teach you a lesson. Thin them all out again, and this time, Ian will be enraged. He will not appear for the rest of your playthrough, making his Clothes Make the Spatter quest impossible to finish. He will drop a Thinned Flower Costume after he departs.


  • Damaging the Stromboli float instead of fixing it will result in the float's permanent damage.
  • The Alice House in the end of the area can be damaged to allow a secret way inside. However, Mickey will be skipped to the second part of the Prescott boss fight and not have a choice to paint him.
  • Mickey can destroy the Beetleworx replicator.
  • Mickey and Oswald can destroy the wall and open the projector, The Old Mill V3. The projector The Band Concert V2 will permanently be unavailable.

Prescott's Arena[]

  • Filling the cannon with thinner results in no choice but to destroy the mech.
  • If Mickey thins out the toon on the mech's face, he can hit back the cannonballs to damage it. The boss ends in the thinner path once this is done three times. The mech will be then broken in the ending and hits a building on Mean Street, resulting in the building being damaged.

Episode 3: Into The Depths[]


  • The train station can again be ignored in this area too.
  • Helping Beluga Billy become captain will result in Damien Salt losing Henrietta and Beluga Billy leaves to Tortooga. Damien Salt keeps lamenting and does not like Mickey's behavior.
  • Giving Hook's clothes to Smee will end in his being depressed when the Mad Doctor is revealed to be evil. The same event also occurs if the player just takes Tiki Sam's tunnel or ignores both Daisy's and Smee's suggestions. This is required for the Make Your Own Way challenge.
  • Stealing the Giant Pearl will close Tiki Sam's shop to Mickey.
  • Destroying the crane in the Spatter settlement with fireworks, or thinning the supports of the Spatters' houses (the only choice if TIki Sam's tunnel is used), will anger Daisy and instead a pirate cantina will be built. Starkey will give Mickey a pin for this.
  • Pete Pan can be bribed with 500 E-Tickets or indelible ink can be used to help Mickey and Oswald cross the thinner falls.


  • The Blotworx rockers and Dropwings can be destroyed or thinned. This will create inconvenience to Mickey, as more will keep appearing and there will be no befriended enemies to fight for Mickey and Oswald.
  • Destroying two or all of the Guardian siphons by plugging the vents with car parts will damage the area and a demolition derby will be unlocked later instead of a race. The guardians will be trapped and the guardian pool is not changed to paint.

The Mad Doctor's Attic[]

The Mad Doctor's Ride[]

  • Thinning out the mechanical arm will result in it hurling Mickey and Oswald to the arena below instead of simply carrying them.
  • Thinning the masks on the Mad Doc's mech will trigger the thinner or bad ending. This is the most important choice in the entire game.

Episode 4: Epilogue[]

  • Most side quests that have not been completed can be finished in a way shown above.

