Epic Mickey Wiki

A level based on Wonderland from the 1951 movie Alice in Wonderland was supposed to be in Epic Mickey.

An entire level devoted to that one movie may seem like a little much, but it actually makes a lot of sense, since there were many scrapped characters, looks, and approaches for that movie, meaning that Warren had a lot of material to work with.

However, at the time of Epic Mickey's develpoment, the 2010 Tim Burton version of Alice in Wonderland was upcoming. Warren didn't want his game to confuse people who haven't seen the 1951 version, so he scrapped the level.

Elements of the Wonderland level still appear in the final game, though. It's present on Yen Sid's Wasteland model. It appears to have been based on Alice's Curious Labyrinth. After Mickey causes the Thinner Disaster and spills the Jug, the Wonderland model sinks into the resulting hole and disappears. This

Epic mickey wonderland

Painted Wonderland

may have caused the real version to disappear as well, as it is not visible when Mickey tumbles into the Wasteland. However, it's possible the real version isn't there simply because Warren didn't want to show a level that wouldn't be visited. It should be noted that when Mickey and destroy the Blot and repaint Wasteland, the model is restored and thus, the Wonderland model as well.

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The world that might have been.

In addition, there is also a piece of Extra Content found in Gremlin Village that shows Mickey in this level, specifically in the Tulgey Wood with a gigantic, angry version of the Cheshire Cat looking down at him.

Wonderland may appear in Epic Mickey 2: The Power of Two because in the book "The Art of Epic Mickey" it said that it was scrapped "But who knows what the future may hold?" which may hint that Wonderland may appear in the second game.

Ironnicaly the real world Wonderland appears as a stage in Epic Mickey: Power of Illusion, as sucked by Mizrabel in her Castle of Illusion.

External links

NYCC 2010: Talking Epic Mickey with Warren Spector and Chase Jones
